Register now for Bastards 2019!
bas•tard [bas-terd]
something irregular, inferior, spurious, or unusual.
to come upon or meet with, especially unexpectedly: to encounter a new situation.
The Orphan Film Symposium introduced us to films that had been orphaned by their creators or caretakers. We hope to expand on this idea by looking at films that are bastards—ill-conceived or received; embarrassing or beyond the bounds of acceptability; poor in conception or execution; undesirable to those who should be caring for them; proof of something that should have never happened.
The aim of the Bastard Film Encounter is to bring these misbegotten moving images out of the closet and begin to address what these films are, how they are kept and ignored (and if they really should be), if and why they might matter, and what role they might play in archives and in studies of the moving image. Register now!
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Thanks to our AMAZING SPONSORS!! MONDO Baltimore, Golden West Cafe, and Joe Squared.